What our authors are saying

“When people come in and meet those inmates and show them some love, some attention, some interest, some conversation share some hours with them, converse and talk about things that are important to them, allow them to live in their minds and escape the walls of their imprisonment, it’s incredibly uplifting to them.”
Lawrence Hill, author of The Book of Negroes


 “Reading helps us imagine a better world. It introduces us to a world of ideas: a world of possibilities.”
Stephen Reid, author of A Crowbar in the Buddhist Garden and Jackrabbit Parole


“BCFI gives inmates hope in the form of the written word, which carries the human experience and connects us to each other. Books remind us that our stories matter and that the world is not black and white. I'm grateful to the amazing volunteers and organizers of BCFI for giving me an invaluable opportunity.”
Marina Nemat, author of Prisoner of Tehran